Jovie turns ONE
On New Year's Day you turned one. ONE!
One would never know how sick you've been. You were as happy as ever as you hilariously devoured your cupcake, played all day, and delighted in the party decorations.
Where do I even begin on all the ways I love you? You, my child, are an absolute DELIGHT. Your smiles and squeals could melt anyone's heart. Your happiness is inspiring. You help many tough days seem less hard. This first year with you was full of joy and wonder...
You are saying "mama," "dadda," "baby," and "uh-oh." I want to bottle up the way you say these words as a one year old and have it forever to listen to whenever I want. Your favorite game is us chasing you down the hallway. You adore your big sister and jump at the chance of attention she might give you. I love how you raise your eyebrows sometimes when you're intrigued. And, one of my favorite things about you... You LOVE books! If I can't find you for a moment, you are likely in the next room quietly flipping through books, leaned up against a bean bag. It's so sweet.
I look forward to watching you continue to grow into the little person you are becoming. Know that you have richly blessed our family in more ways than we can name. I love you with my whole heart and soul.
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