hey there
Allie, age 5
Jovie, age 3
Well, hi. I've missed you, little blog.
So my last post was nearly a year ago. I never planned to stop blogging for that long, but for a combination of a bunch of little reasons, it just wasn't a priority. I did miss it, though. While reflecting on why I didn't do it for so long I think partly it was because in the midst of the pandemic it seemed time slowed down and I've been trying to live more in the moment. I also go through days or seasons where I just don't want to share a lot with the world. My time with my kids and family is so sacred. Moments with them are such treasures that I want to keep for myself, ya know? I'm feast or famine when it comes to Instagram... One week I'll share all kinds of stuff in my stories and in a post or two, and the next week I'm like nope, just gonna breathe, just gonna linger in these moments, watch my kids dance, and read more books.
But anyway, if you are a regular reader and friend, thank you for sticking around and for visiting our little corner of the world now and then. I appreciate every word of encouragement and insight you've offered me along the way.
I'm guessing most of you reading this are enveloped in a world of white like we are right now. It truly is even more magical when you have little kids... to see the wonder and excitement in their eyes when they wake up to an overnight snow fall and witness a breathtaking transformation outside. I've always been a fan of the quiet of winter and the chance to slow down.
I also find myself growing hopeful and excited about this summer and the months to come in general... not only the warm, fresh air outside to enjoy with the kids, but the progression of life once most people have been vaccinated. I feel like we are all kind of holding our breath and praying that before the end of the year we will see our kids have normal school again and we will go to church without wearing masks. I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about what that's gonna feel like... the freedom and immense relief.
I really can't say when I'll be back on here. Could be tomorrow. Could be next year or never. Until then, I truly hope you and your families are well. I hope you're taking deep breaths, smiling and laughing a lot, and living peacefully, my friend.
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