family photos 2018

Oh, my heart!


We are so blessed, this family of ours.  Not long ago I was speaking at an adoption fundraiser event.  I said, "When I look at my children, I see God.  I see His power, goodness, and faithfulness.  I see how the stories He writes for us are so much bigger and more beautiful than we could ever write on our own."  And I meant every word.  I've never once regretted trusting God.  I can look back and tell you countless times He has shown His great faithfulness in my life.  I can tell you He sees the desires of our hearts and wants good things for us.  

This isn't specific to only my children.  I see God when I look at my husband, too.  He is one of the most beautiful pictures of grace and unconditional love in my life.  I'm thankful I get to live this wild ride with him and share these precious children together.



We love because He first loved us. - 1 John 4:19


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