catchin' up

While I would have loved to have written many more posts over the summer, I feel no regret whatsoever.  Ya'll, I have absolutely SOAKED it all in with my baby girl (and hubby).  Other teachers and parents who are getting ready for school to start keep saying, "It just flew by so quickly.  I was so busy.  I've hardly relaxed..." etc.  I'm truly grateful that's not the case for me.  I can honestly say I was present in most every moment and took plennnnnty of time to rest, relax, PLAY, and just BE.  Thanking God for that.

With that said, I do start back to school next week, so I wanted to sit down and catch up some things on the blog before the busy fall season begins.

I looked back and realized I haven't posted any month pics since month four, so here we go!

By six months Allie was rolling over like a champ and enjoying cereal and veggies!

At seven months she was saying "dada."

By eight months she was sitting up by herself and getting pretty attached to Mommy!

Each month that has gone by, I've thought the same thing - "Ok, THIS is my favorite stage."  The last couple months, though, her personality and quirky traits have really shone through.  Allie is hilarious and makes us laugh all the time.  (I'm sure no one else's baby is like this, right? ;) )  She flaps her arms rapidly like a bird when she gets excited.  She often wrinkles her nose or face (see next pic) when she smiles.  The girl thinks it's hi-larious when we put things on our heads.  Things like that... You just hope to hold on to them forever and never forget their magical-ness.

The ten month mark has been an explosion of milestones!  Allie literally began crawling the day she turned ten months old.  She started pulling up in the same week.  She has two bottom teeth.  She stands while holding onto things.  She really enjoys "big people" food now (her favorites are bananas and sweet potatoes).  She is jabbering like crazy!  She says "uh-oh" but it sounds like "uh-huh," like she's agreeing to something. (So funny!)  She says "na-na" when she wants something, particularly her bottle.  She says "hi."

her first day of crawling :)

This musical learning toy has been awesome.  She loves it and it's perfect for her to stand with.  How cute is this twelve-month sleeper?  You heard me right, TWELVE month!  (insert me blubbering here.)  I WILL say, I think this particular brand and line of sleepers is more fitted.  She is definitely still wearing lots of nine month clothes, however, at her last doctor's appointment, she'd had a little spurt in her length.  

More favorites from spring and summer:

This one captures her essence so well... We are blessed with one happy little girl!

And ohhh her daddy.  She just adores him.  When he comes into the room she can't get to him fast enough.  I love watching their relationship unfold.

We were able to make two trips over the summer to visit my family, which was such a blessing.  I LOVE this picture at my brother's house.  My favorite part is Jacob's face and his pure delight as he watches Allie's first dunk, hehe...

And this... be still, my heart.  Might be my all-time favorite shot so far.  We have spent many a moments outside this summer... Moments in our yard under the trees or strolling at the park.  And this sweet girl can't get enough of the outdoors.  It's her happy place.

That's all for now.  Much love to you and yours.


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