Jesus loves adoption, this I know
My brother, his wife, and all four of their children made the long trek to come visit us and meet Allie back in October. We all had so much fun! Half the fun was watching the kids interact with Allie. Talk about preciousness overload!!
Joshua, Jacob, Grace, & Hannah
This is one of my favorite pictures on the planet... My brother's family adopted Hannah from China toward the beginning of last year. She is so sweet with Allie. She loves to hold her and help feed her. I look at this and am overwhelmed by God, by answered prayers, by the beauty of adoption, and by God's provision in bringing these two little girls to our families. Thank You, Jesus!
The heart can hardly prepare for the moment you see your brother holding your daughter. We love you, Uncle Chris!
It was a slightly chilly October day, but not chilly enough that we couldn't go out and play in the plethora of leaves in our front yard...
It won't be long and Allie will be right out there with you, kiddos!
Thank you so much for visiting us!
Aw! We loved our visit and can't wait until we can do it again! Allie is growing way too fast! Slow down, girlie! Auntie Kate needs more baby snuggles!