read of the month

I am a meager thirty years old and already I am aghast at the stark difference between my childhood and my adult life.

I'm not talking about the difference of now being married and on my own with responsibilities and all that.  I'm talking about they way I spend my time and the things that fill my mind.  My childhood free time was spent either in books or outside playing in the yard with my brother.  My adult free time is typically e-mail, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Hulu, blogging, and insert-about-thirty-seven-other-forms-of-social-media-or-digital-entertainment-here.

Not long ago I was browsing in Lifeway after being given a gift card, and decided I needed some new books.  If there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that the Spirit had been nudging me to read more.  And well, it was deeper than that.

This book jumped off the shelf and into my hands and silently screamed, "Warning!  I might mess up your life, but it'll be totally worth it."  NO OTHER GODS.  I knew good and well, and had known for awhile, that there were other gods in my life aside from Jesus.  I knew that because of the way I spent my time, because of some of the things that consumed my thoughts, and because of the general focus of my daily life.

A typical day for me looked like so:
Wake up, check social media.  Eat.  Get ready.  Cram in a few minutes for the Word, if time.
Work.  Eat.  Check social media and Youtube on breaks.
Dinner.  Watch a show on Hulu.  Get ready for bed.  Think about how I really need start exercising again if I ever have the time.
I'm tired and I want to unwind.  Don't really feel like reading even though I know it would be better for my mind/soul/heart.  More social media, Youtube, and e-mail until I finally go to sleep.

Good grief.

I had become some kind of technological robot.  I was drowning in stagnancy.  I wasn't having nearly as many deep moments with my Savior because my moments were spent with an iPhone or laptop screen and not living fully present in the real, tangible world.  I realized in some ways I actually felt closer to God as a child, when I didn't have nearly as many distractions right within my reach.  I looked back and longed for those tender, simple moments where I felt the Spirit whisper to me as I sat on a rock in the back yard or as I lied in bed reading for hours.  I longed for moments of exploding creativity I was now not having due to a depleted mind.  I am well aware the world has changed and these technological times are the times we are living in, and all those little time-suckers are not evil in themselves, but when you excessively CHOOSE them over time with the SAVIOR or even just time doing something that will somehow better yourself, now you're in trouble.  Now satan has taken something once harmless and contorted it into a life-draining, soul-dissipating thing that wastes your time, passion, and potential, one day at a time.  Most importantly and gravely, it distances you from Jesus.

One of my mentors was recently talking to me about his hobby of running.  He might spend well near a couple hours running each day.  That's a lot of time spent doing something.  As he runs, he listens to worship music, he thinks through and plans things regarding his job responsibilities, he prays, and not to mention he is taking care of his body.  It's something that ultimately is improving his life in many ways and it draws him closer to God.  If he was running every day simply for the satisfaction of winning some sort of race, then it might constitute as an idol.

Thus entered this book into my life, and slowly but surely I am confronting my modern-day idols... the internet, my selfish dreams, financial security, the list goes on.  I am reading more.  Books that are good for my soul.  I am exercising regularly and putting in greater effort to take care of my body.  As I do this I feel better and I can work more rigorously for the kingdom of God.  I am more intentional in my relationships.  I am spending more time listening to His Spirit.  I am beginning to let go of my idols to draw nearer to Him.  Although I fail daily, I am trying to surrender my days and my time to Him.  I am asking myself, is Jesus my only god today?  Is He the One I worship in this very moment by doing this very thing?  Is He the treasure of my heart?

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Matthew 6:21


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