T-Swizzle and lovey dovey stuff
I admit it. I'm a shameless Taylor Swift fan. I'm a sucker for superb
poetry and songwriting, and this girl has it. My man gave me her latest
album for Christmas, and so it's pretty much all we've listened to
since then. (Yes, my man listens to T-Swift with me. A thousand extra
points for him.) One of my absolute favorites is "Begin Again."
(This might get mushy. You've been warned.)
When I listen to this song, the thoughts and feelings I had when I first started dating Luke can't help but resurface. In high school I really didn't date much (thank you, Jesus), and didn't really date much my first year or two of college, and so by the time I was dating a lot, I knew for the most part what I wanted and needed in a lifelong partner. And I was that girl that broke up with a guy as soon as I knew he wasn't marriage material. I never let it linger, which is why some relationships lasted a couple weeks. My longest relationship before Luke was about six months.
If you have found your "one," you know this process... You find him and automatically compare him to all the others, praising God for him being and doing what all the others failed to do. Of course he isn't perfect, but by golly, he's got the important stuff down like a champ.
My sweet Luke,
There was that one guy who always pointed out my flaws, but you tell me what I'm good at.
There was that one guy who put his work life before me, but you drop everything else to spend time with me. After God I am your number one.
There was that one guy who didn't make the effort like I did, but you give me all you've got.
There was that one guy who thought it was his way or the highway, but you are open to the possibility that maybe sometimes I'm right.
There was that one guy who never took time to do the little things, but you surprise me with thoughtful, selfless acts of kindness and service.
You get me.
You lead me with godly leadership.
You pursue me with affection.
You laugh with me.
You make me a princess.
Thank you for being my "begin again."
your girl
You get me.
You lead me with godly leadership.
You pursue me with affection.
You laugh with me.
You make me a princess.
Thank you for being my "begin again."
your girl
I was warned. I'm glad it was worth being warned about. Sweetness is underrated.