weekend shenanigans

with my bestie from high school, Holly

Luke and I traveled to my not-so-big hometown this past weekend for my big 10-yr high school reunion.  It was more fun than I thought it would be.  It was nice to see everyone.  Some people had changed a little, but it seemed most hadn't changed at all.  I wore a comfy LBD that I scored from TJ Maxx.

We stayed with one of my aunts in Lexington on Friday night and had planned to stay with my parents on Saturday, but it turns out the majority of my family is quarantined due to hand, foot, and mouth disease.  Crazy, huh?!  It's a highly contagious little bugger.  My brother's youngest son got it and passed it on to their family, and my mom babysat for them before they knew they had it.  It was a bummer to not see them given we were right down the road, but better to be safe than sorry!  We'll be going on vacay very soon and gotta stay healthy!  Prayers for my sick family are welcomed.

In the meantime, can't seem to catch a break with consistent sleep.  We were so tired from the weekend, but I got a lovely nap yesterday afternoon...  BUT last night was tragic...  Our dog has had flea issues and wakes us up with his loud scratching in the middle of the night.  He doesn't have fleas right now, but he still itches from them apparently.  So somehow last night I ended up in the guest bed...  Geez.  Hoping for an early bed time tonight!


  1. So glad you had fun at the reunion. And...showing my fashion dufus-ness, what's an LBD? In my world of special education, that is Learning & Behavior Disorder.


    1. LOL hilarious... it's a "little black dress" :)

  2. Awwww....we missed seeing you!


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