fickle am I

First of all, I'm planning to get a major restructure on the bangs.  I've had side-swept (loose term) bangs now since I was perhaps in middle school??  They grow so fast and get so out of whack because I try to keep up with them myself, which doesn't always work out well.  I'm going to take a risk and get thicker bangs, shorter but still wispy and straight down the forehead.  I also want the roots to come to a center point rather than being straight across (don't know if that makes sense or not).  My only concern really is that it'll make me look younger, which is something I DON'T want.  I know I know, all the women in America just groaned.  I'll appreciate my baby face one day, but right now it's not fun looking 18 when you're 28.  I WANT to look old enough to be married.  I want to be taken seriously in job interviews.  Anywho, here are some pics of inspiration I'm taking with me to the salon.  Let me know what you think.

I don't know that I want my bangs quite this thick, but I like that they are eye-skimming and kind of messy.

Secondly, if I'm anything, I am FICKLE.  Prepare to roll your eyes.

I've gone back and forth.  I thought I was going dark for a long time, and I told my hubby I was going to be consistent for awhile, but alas, there are just issues having dark hair when you're a natural blonde that I don't think I want to deal with anymore.  And that's the beauty of trying a new hair color.  You live and learn, ya know?  Don't get me wrong, there are cons to having highlights, too, but at the end of the day going back lighter will ultimately be less maintenance for me and more flattering on a long-term basis.  With my brunette hair, I really only like it the first couple weeks or so after it's done.  At least as a blonde I like it for longer, even when it grows out and I unintentionally get the ombre look.  

I don't want to be platinum or anything remotely close.  I'd like to be close to my natural color, only perhaps a bit more on the caramel side.  Here are some more pics of inspiration, color-wise.

I'm just going to start with really subtle skinny caramel highlights and go from there.  Going from dark to lighter means baby steps.  So we'll see how it goes Saturday at my appointment.  I kind of get excited when I make hair changes.  It's really fun to take risks and try new things. :)

Now, a couple things I am never fickle about... much I love feeling this little guy's face in the crook of my neck when I sleep.

...and how much I adore this man, this guy who simply rocks my world and calls me his wife.


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