a home of peace

Yesterday while out in public, I witnessed a teenage girl speak to her mom disrespectfully and selfishly.  My first thought was, "Typical teenage girl.  How sad."  Then my thoughts drifted back to my weekend.

We spent Friday night and part of Saturday with my aunt and her family.  She and my uncle have three children, ages 18, 13, and 11.  I love when we get to visit them.  You would think a family of five with two teenagers and one soon approaching would mean chaos and a slew of "I hate you's" and "I never get to do anything I want's," complete with exasperated sighs and rolling eyes.  At least that's what most of society looks like.  But if I had to describe their household, I would say it's probably one of the most peaceful, loving homes in America.  Witnessing this family's interaction with one another is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

No back talking.  No hurtful words.  No "You don't know what you're talking about, Mom."  No "Whatever."  They help each other.  They work together on things.  They take responsibility.  They laugh.  They have fun.  When we left on Saturday, my aunt and her two girls were going to have a chick flick night together, which the girls had INVITED my aunt, their own mom, to, and my uncle and his son were going to have a guys night, complete with dinner and a guy movie.

I remember when I still lived near them and their kids were younger that it seemed my aunt and uncle sacrificed a whole lot for them.  They have never said this to me, but I would say just as an outsider looking in that their top priority has been raising their kids in God-glorifying way and serving God as a family.  My aunt has stayed home since their first was born.  She home-schooled them.  My uncle joins them after work each day and they have dinner together as a family.  I would venture to say they have never eaten a dinner anywhere in their home other than the kitchen table.  To some this may sound like an "old-fashioned" or "strict" family.  I'm sure my aunt and uncle ARE strict (by the world's terms), but there is nothing old-fashioned about the desire to manifest love and peace in your home and create an atmosphere of respect.  If that's old-fashioned then I want to be the most old-fashioned family on the planet when our kids come along.

Obviously I'm not with them all the time, and so I'm sure they would say they have their moments, but I think seeing how a family interacts in their own home during the normal routine of life speaks volumes.  I think the fruit of their labor when the kids were younger - consistent discipline, consistent time spent with them, daily teaching of the Word - is now shining through.  And my aunt and uncle now have what many parents in America so desperately want... children who love and respect them.  TEENAGE children who love and respect them.  PEACE in their lives and in their home.

And that's a beautiful thing.


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