Mom and Dad

Last night we attended revival at my parents' church while we were visiting.  The preacher talked a lot about family.  He challenged parents and said, "If your child could have had a choice... if he/she could have picked from a line of a thousand parents, knowing a little about each of them, would they have picked you to have?"  I know if I had a choice out of a billion, I would have picked my mom and dad.  And it got me thinking about the things I'm most thankful for when it comes to my parents and growing up.  So, thanks, Mom and Dad, for...

Having us eat together at the dinner table every night.
Having a devotion with us before we left for school each day.
Exemplifying hard work.
Not letting me get that 2-piece midriff-showing dress I wanted for prom.  That would have been stupid.
Being consistent with punishment and discipline.
Being at all my piano recitals, awards ceremonies, performances, ballgames, and anything else that was important to me.
Having us grow up on a farm.
Teaching us that having the nicest material possessions is not important.
Giving me a curfew.
Being my parents before being my friends.
Letting my brother and I enjoy the joys of childhood.
Your unconditional love.



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