So Luke was gone this past week on a road trip with a friend. While our dog, Sawyer, is super smart, you can't exactly explain to him that Luke won't be coming home for four days.
Sawyer LOVES bed time. He loves being snuggled between Luke and I and enjoying a night of peaceful rest together. When we say it's time for bed, he runs as fast as little legs will carry him to the bedroom. He can't wait. But when we go to bed, he wants EVERYONE to go to bed. If I go to bed first, he comes with me, but then he sits on the edge of the bed and huffs and puffs, waiting for Luke. If Luke doesn't show up, he jumps down to go "get him."
Sadly enough, Sawyer did not sleep in bed with me this past week. He would start out that way, but each night he went to the living room to wait for Luke to get home. Each morning I would wake up and find him in his little bed we keep near the couch. So faithful.
I always say God often uses animals to remind us of how things are supposed to be. Sawyer understands the meaning of family and togetherness more than many humans do. He relishes in being together. He wants to make sure everyone is safe. He can't rest normally until all are home and in one room together. He knows that something's not right about going to bed with only one of us. He knows the moment is not whole without his family.
So much wisdom in such a little creature.
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