Scaring kidnappers away...

I made a late night Wal-Mart run the other day and talked to my grandmother on the phone while I was shopping. I mentioned where I was and she freaked out a little bit... "You are there by yourself this late? It's not good for you to be walking to your car alone this late." I had to chuckle a bit under my breath as I realized that to her, I may always be her little 12-year granddaughter as opposed to the nearly 30-year old I am now. I casually responded with something like, "Oh, I'll be fine, Grandmama. Don't worry." And then I changed the subject.

The more I thought about it, I should have been more blunt and shared with her my exact thoughts on this issue, which would have sounded something like this: "I never worry about walking to my car alone. I always sing worship songs loudly as I am walking and putting groceries in my car. I figure two things; first, God will protect me. And secondly, if a kidnapper begins to approach me, he will either: A, hear the worship song and begin to feel conviction, changing his mind, or B, think to himself, "This sounds like a crazy woman, and it's just not worth it," and inevitably walk away.

It's really quite simple if you think about it :).



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