Glorious weekend

We were able to spend several days in Lexington and Hustonville. I tried to soak in every moment. God gave us a weekend of sixty-some degree weather to enjoy at the end of November... glorious.

This was at Thanksgiving lunch at Aunt Brenda's. Here is my grandmama Kay with all her great-grandchildren; Grayson, Joshua, Jacob, and Grace. I can't look at this picture enough. How absolutely special!

My Gracie and me :). Love her cute little face and observant eyes. She's a thinker...

And on to the farm... Dad took us fishing. Mom caught all the big bass. I caught all the tiny bluegill. It was perfect. :)

Mom and Dad with one of her bass... I love how much they adore each other. So thankful for their impact in my life...

Trips to the farm are always fun for Sawyer, too. Nowhere else does he get to run around quite so freely...


Thankful for many blessings,




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