Just call me Sydney Bristow

First of all, sorry for the recent re-design overload. I'm kind of.. experimenting. And I'm picky.... Trying to find the right niche and atmosphere for the blog...

Secondly, I have a story.

A couple years ago I went to San Diego for a leadership conference for the business I was in at the time. When I left to go there, it was mid-January and I was sick as a dog. I had a terrible cold and bronchitis. The coughing was on overkill. I had a connecting flight somewhere on my way to San Diego. Can't remember where. But my first flight ran so late that when I arrived to the connecting, I had approximately 5 minutes until my next plane was supposed to lift off. And of course, I arrived at like, Gate H, and had to catch my flight at Gate Z. (Isn't that how it always is?) So I get off my plane and start running. I run as fast as I am able to in high heels. Yes, I was dressed in business attire - a skirted suit and heels. Great. Part of me wanted to take my shoes off, but I guess I couldn't bear the thought of what all my feet would touch on the long hike of the airport floors. I felt like I was in a scene from Alias... Sydney Bristow running full speed in her dress and heels, paying no regard for who is around because she has to get to the gate in the nick of time in order to save the world.

I ran for what felt like several miles, all with bronchitis, praying I would make it. When I got to the gate they were just about to close the door. I was the last person to get on. Relief. Thank you, Lord. But the misery wasn't over. After running so fast for so long with compromised lungs, after I found my seat I began coughing uncontrollably. I couldn't stifle it. I was out of breath and coughing. Talk about an enjoyable scene. Meanwhile I'm sitting next to two unfortunate men who were probably thinking, "Great. I'm gonna get tuberculosis." I really wanted to turn to them and say, "No, really, I'm ok..." But I couldn't stop coughing long enough to get out any words. Plus I figured it wouldn't be very convincing. Eventually after several minutes my body finally calmed down and I was able to get the coughing under control. I remember laying my head back on my seat, breathing deeply, and thinking about how ridiculous it all was. BUT, I had made it to my destination. And when I arrived in sunny, 75-degree San Diego, I forgot about the pain it took to get there.

Sometimes we work on a goal for a painfully long time. Sometimes we wait for something for an exruciatingly long time. Sometimes God teaches and prepares us through pain and discipline so that we can get to where we should be. Sometime when it rains, it pours.

My point is, the journey of suffering is worth it once you reach your glorious destination, high heels and all...



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