Joys of Spring

Ahhh... the joys of spring! We have definitely had some fun and special times in the past few weeks, full of babies, birthdays, time off, and travel. Here are some of my favorite moments:

Out on the farm with Dad (wearing his hat :)). LOVE going out on the farm with Dad. This particular Sunday afternoon was beautiful. 70's and sunny.

Skyblue Farm in all its glory... the house I grew up in. Wouldn't have wanted to grow up anywhere else. If ever a place that displays the beauty of God, this is it.

View in the back...

Spring calves :).

A few shots from our nephew Jacob's third birthday party...

Such a happy boy!

Luke meeting Grace for the first time.

The whole Burris crew... expanding rapidly.

Grace and me. We love cuddle time :).

And Dad's birthday... He turned 59!

Having a "moment" with Joshua.

More baby snuggle... my favorite.

This was the day I watched the twins on my own for a couple hours... Changed, fed, burped, and put down for a nap - success!!

And finally, Luke's birthday! I decided on a whim to throw him a surprise party! It was fun and a huge success. Totally surprised him. Family and friends from church came to celebrate...
The spread... Chips and cheese w/ sausage rotel dip, meatball crescent rolls, grapes, carrots & dip, m & m's, cake, and chocolate bunnies for the kiddos :). Worked on this throughout the day while Luke was working. Made the cake and decorated it myself... Ended up telling luke that our nephew decorated it because it didn't turn out too professional... hehe. He knew better.

Church fam.

"...Happy birthday to you!"

...his new coffee press.

Back to grad work! Happy spring!



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