
I had the wonderful opportunity to fill in for our worship leader this past Sunday morning. Man, it felt great to be in such a special position again! I must say, aside from my personal relationship with Jesus, I am more passionate about worship-leading than anything else.

What greater calling than to help people exalt our King?! Worship leadership and ministry is part of my life's calling from God. I am confident in this. It's where I feel most at my best; it's where everything else fades away and I am simply engulfed in the magnitude of glorifying God and helping others glorify Him. It's where I am most humbled and amazed and free. It's where I'm using my gifts they way He desires. It's what He continually leads me to and what He whispered to me so clearly back when I was in college.

Sunday morning was just one taste of what it's like to allow God to take over and reveal His power to His people. And to be on this side of it - the side where I am on stage and looking out into a crowd of worshipers with hands held high, many singing their hearts out with no regard for anything else around them - is well, like nothing else on earth. It is standing in the midst of the powerful, transcending presence of God Almighty.

And to think that He would use a little wretch like me...


  1. And strange to think...He doesn't see you as a wretch at all. Neither do I. By way of my wonderful Mother, I have a critical ear and eye for musicians/performers/worship leaders. I have come to the same conclusion in a number of settings... Worship leading requires no genius musical talent of singing or playing (although it certainly helps), it simply requires an anointing. That, my dear friend, the Holy Spirit has shown you great favor in, as well as those of us who are honored to follow your leading.


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