My Favorite Things...

"...when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad... I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad."... What are your favorite things? Make a list. I bet you'll be smiling. Keep the list and perhaps go back to it when you just need a day to enjoy your favorite blessings! :)

1. Skyblue Farm where I grew up

2. Waking up to my husband and dog each morning

3. The emotions, power, and strength that music can hold and bring

4. Reading and writing about God

5. 6-handed Euchre

6. Movies! (especially old classics)

7. Unhindered worship

8. Baby calves (especially when I get to see them at home on the farm with Dad)

9. Fall (the temperatures, atmosphere, changing leaves, the memories it brings...)

10. Cinnamon, pumpkin, and vanilla candles

11. My husband's eyes and smile

12. Laughter

13. Uplifting conversations

14. Sawyer in my lap

15. Jack Bauer!

16. Bubble baths (with candles, of course!)

17. Fashion

18. Porch swings

19. Dusk

20. Christmas time

Mmmm... I feel cozy just reading that list!
Have a beautiful, blessed day filled with your favorite things!

~ Jenn


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