A few thoughts...
Wow, it has been over two months now that Luke and I haven't been living under the same roof... weird! For those not in the loop, my hubby started a new job in Mayfield (west KY) and I have been here in Lexington, finishing up work, packing, more packing, and spending all the time I can with family, as I will soon be much further away :(... Our lease here ends this month, so moving day is fast approaching now.
However, I must say that this weird time of transition for us has also been precious to me in a way. I've enjoyed a LOT of time alone... time with myself, with God (and of course, with Sawyer :)). And while there are challenges to being alone so much, I've truly treasured this time as I have been able to simply THINK somewhat endlessly, as well as REFLECT; reflect on my life to this point and where I hope to go next, reflect on who I have been and who I hope to become. Lots of time to think is a good thing. If you haven't been able to have that lately, may I recommend taking a day to just get away and think!
And I have to admit, while I am very much a "loner" and can be very content by myself, it has been challenging! It is so tempting to relieve boredom with mindless things like TV and internet. Sometimes I think those things can be ok for entertainment/relaxation or informative purposes, but can it really produce the kind of solace and fulfillment that time with God can and will? Of course the answer is no, and so sometimes I find myself turning the TV on just to have it on and stop in conviction, thinking, "Why? Why did I just turn that on again?" And the thing is, we tend to think, "Oh but what I'm watching isn't harmful in the least, so what does it matter?"... But is it enriching our lives? Is it helping us grow in our walks with God? A week or a year or twenty years from now, I'll bet big money that wherever we are at those points will be in direct result of our decisions TODAY... the decision to turn off the TV and spend time in the Word instead, the decision to skip an email/facebook check and spend time in prayer instead, the decision to go for a walk with our dogs out in God's beautiful creation rather than popping in a movie that we've seen a thousand times anyway... All those "little" decisions add up to one big one - who we will become in the end.
Hey, I'm not preaching to anyone but myself. Sometimes I write from conviction and so that I can go back and read it again and again, to keep reminding myself of what God is teaching me...
Love to you,
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