
It seems so odd to me that so many people refuse to exercise or struggle in back-and-forth, inconsistent habits. I guess it makes some sense, since America is getting perpetually lazier, but I still don't get it.

I don't get it because it just makes perfect and undeniable sense to me to exercise and be physically active. And it also makes biblical sense in that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corin. 6:19-20), so why wouldn't we do our best to take care of our "temples?" I'm not talking about being a certain weight or being a picture-perfect swimsuit model, and I don't mean doing P90X or working out 3 hours a day. I'm talking about being healthy, having sufficient energy, and feeling great in order to be our best. And if that means simply taking a brisk 20-minute daily walk or staying active with outdoor activities/sports, then great.

I know that in times I haven't begun my day with exercise, I feel sluggish all day, I can be less chipper, and I am not as productive (along with feeling major conviction and shame). And when I do begin my day with simply a jog around the block and a few crunches, it sets my day up with more energy (even if I'm low on sleep), more productivity, and I feel overall better. For me, exercise additionally helps control my irritable bowel issues as well by regulating my system and reducing stress. Reducing stress also helps with many other health and body issues we face, such as breakouts and chronic diseases. I could go on. With all this, again, it just makes good sense to exercise.

I'm also convicted for these reasons to eat healthily. Don't get me wrong, I have a sweet tooth and enjoy some chocolate now and then, but try to do so sparingly. Why corrupt our bodies with pure junk that will only shorten our lifespan, give health complications, make us feel like crap, and prohibit us from serving Jesus at our best? And honestly, I never really feel great after eating a big plate of dessert or something fried... I feel tired and crampy. Is that helping myself to be at my best??

I also can't help but think about the future and the kind of mother I hope to be. I know that the more healthy and energetic I remain, the more I can chase after and play with my little ones, uninhibited... and the more I can be an example to them of what it means to live abundantly.

All that being said, I don't understand why people slowly destroy their bodies with laziness and junk, however, I know that some habits can be an addiction, and I'm sending up a prayer for those that may struggle with them. I don't fully know what that's like. But surely deep in every person's heart is the desire to live the fullest life possible with this one chance we have on earth before meeting our God face-to-face.

Well I'm off to bed soon, and I look forward to beginning my morning with some walking and jogging in God's beautiful creation and morning sunshine as I reflect on Him, followed by some oatmeal and fruit.

It's a no-brainer.

Love & blessings,


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