
Something I have realized and appreciated more and more as I've grown up is what a diligent, hard worker my dad is. Yesterday I was reminded of this truth...

I traveled to my wonderful hometown of Hustonville to meet my Dad to go see a car I might buy. I met him at the bank where he serves as VP and loan officer. From there we went to look at the car, had dinner, and Dad was off to work again, this time on his farm. He baled hay until dark. In the mean time he had delegated my mom to make a phone call to a church member for him to ask about helping in Sunday School this term, as he serves as Sunday School Director for church. When I was on my way back home I called him on his cell, and he was in the middle of watering Mom's flowers.

So many roles, and those are just the ones he was working on yesterday.

I must say I am constantly amazed at his work ethic and dedication; dedication to provide for his family, to help the community, to be a godly servant-leader (to name a few). And yet, even in the midst of his never-ending work, he always makes time for family. He could have skipped dinner with me last night and gotten more done on the farm, but he didn't.

And this is just an example of many memories as I grew up. He has always worked this hard, but never missed anything important in my life. He was at every piano recital, every awards night, most of my ball games, he was there through every sickness, injury, and every important decision and event.

HOW ON EARTH does he make time for everything? It sure puts us lazy folk to shame! I can only strive to exude even a portion of his dedication. What an example to have, an example I am so grateful for. So how DOES he make time for family, work, work, work, play, and then some??... Oh yes, I forgot... He's SUPERMAN!!!

At least in my eyes he is.

Love you, Dad.


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