our annual Christmas tree decorating film
Annnnnd here it is, our third annual film of family moments decorating our tree.
I have experienced many emotions watching this. First and foremost, thankfulness. Thankfulness to see the growth of our family throughout our past few videos. Two years ago it was Luke, myself, and a toddling Allie. Last year it was the three of us plus my very pregnant belly. And now, our family of four with Jovie. This video is a reminder of prayers answered and dreams come true.
I've also felt a little sadness, but coupled with hope. I'm just gonna be real. We have had some rough days lately. Luke and I are often stumped on how to parent our three-year old. She is a passionate, strong-willed little girl. It's difficult not knowing for sure what all might be the root of some of her struggles lately... (adjusting to little sister, the grief of her adoption setting in, and/or simply being three). Some days I feel defeated. But as I think about/watch back sweet moments like these, I am hopeful. I am reminded that we have lots of really good moments. I am reminded that God is writing our family's story. A beautiful story of love and hope.
I wanted to share all that because I think it's easy to look at someone's family video or pictures (especially in the blogging world) and think that everything is so picturesque. I would never want to portray we are the perfect family. We are broken. We make mistakes. Sometimes we are downright ugly. But I am thankful for grace. For grace from God and for the grace we give each other because of Him. I look at this film and am reminded that at the end of the day, we are a family woven together by God, broken pieces coming together as His beautiful masterpiece.
Happy holidays from our family to yours. And may you be filled with Hope more than ever.
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