Could a good deed save your life?

Before I leave a Wal-Mart parking lot, I try to push any "stranded" carts I see into the cart carrals. It's just a simple thing I can do to help out. And it can be fun :). I admit it's getting harder to be motivated to do this as the temperature grows colder...
A couple months or so ago, I took perhaps an extra three mintues to push some carts into the carrals and then left for home. I turned out of Wal-mart onto the main road and took the side road we always take to connect us to the road home. As I approached the intersection at the end of the side road, I saw there had been a wreck. Fortunately everyone was okay, but there was a lot of debris in the middle of the road and a truck looked pretty banged up. It appeared it had happened merely moments ago, as there were no police yet and the parties involved were on their cell phones. I went on home and thought the very thing you might be thinking - 'I wonder if I would have been in that had I not stopped to do a simple good deed...' Perhaps. Perhaps not. But do I believe God blesses us when we put others before ourselves?
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